
John Berger y el deseo sexual


""El deseo sexual, si es recíproco, origina un complot de dos personas que hace frente al resto de los complots que hay en el mundo. Es una conspiración de dos. El plan es ofrecer al otro un respiro ante el dolor del mundo. No la felicidad sino un descanso físico ante la enorme responsabilidad de los cuerpos hacia el dolor.
En todo deseo hay tanta compasión como apetito. Sea cual sea la proporción, las dos cosas se ensartan juntas. El deseo es inconcebible sin una herida. Si hubiera alguien sin heridas en este mundo, viviría sin deseo.
El deseo anhela proteger al cuerpo deseado de la tragedia que encarna y, lo que es más, se cree capaz. La conspiración consiste en crear juntos un espacio, un lugar, necesariamente temporal, para eximirse de la herida incurable de la carne. Ese lugar es el interior del otro cuerpo. La conspiración consiste en deslizarse al interior del otro, allí donde no se les pueda encontrar. El deseo es un intercambio de escondites”".
John Berger.
ensayo ESA BELLEZA, 2005



Observo las cosas que los demás extrañan.

Saludo y agradezco.

Reflexiono más, la inteligencia 'perdida' en un mundo de interrupciones, distracciones y ruido.

Equilibro cuerpo y mente.

No espero a que aparezca la motivación.

No esperar. Manos a la obra.

Escuche más música.

Sigo bailando.

Hacerlo porque está ahí. Entonces serás recompensado con excelentes números.

Todos los dias se aprende algo nuevo

Nunca ceda su poder personal. Ser la mejor versión de la persona que estaba destinado a ser.

Nunca etiquetarme.


Qué palabras nos importan? se pregunta el Tom Tom Club

What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
Words in papers, words in books
Words on TV, words for crooks
Words of comfort, words of peace
Words to make the fighting cease
Words to tell you what to do
Words are working hard for you
Eat your words but don't go hungry
Words have always nearly hung me
What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
Words of nuance, words of skill
And words of romance are a thrill
Words are stupid, words are fun
Words can put you on the run
Mots pressez, mots sensez
Mots qui disent la vit?
Mots maudits, mots mentis
Mots qui manquent le fruit d'ésprit
What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
Its a rap race, with a fast pace
Concrete words, abstract words
Crazy words and lying words
Hazy words and dying words
Words of faith, tell me straight
Rare words and swear words
Good words and bad words
What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
Words can make you pay and pay
Four-letter words I cannot say
Panty, toilet, dirty devil
Words are trouble, words are subtle
Words of anger, words of hate
Words over here, words out there
In the air and everywhere
Words of wisdom, words of strife
Words that write the book I like
Words won't find a right solution
To the planet Earth's pollution
Say the right word, make a million
Words are like a certain person
Who can't say what they mean
Don't mean what they say
A rap rap here and a rap rap there
Here rap, there rap
Everywhere a rap rap
Rap it up for the common good
Let us enlist the neighborhood
It's okay, I've over stood
This is a wordy rapping hood, okay, bye
What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
What are words worth?
What are words worth? Words
He don't stop
He don't stop
He don't stop
Don't stop


Pajaritos Pintados por Siouxsie Sioux and The banshees

con Robert Smith en la formación

Painted Bird

On lead-poisoned wings -- you try to sing
Freak beak shrieks are thrown -- at your confusing hue
The peacock screaming eyes -- show no mercy no mercy
Painted bird -- it's absurd
Just a tainted bird -- hurting their twisted nerve
Painted bird -- it's absurd
Just a tainted bird -- hurting their twisted nerve
The flock will make you choke -- on this sadistic joke
And the whippoorwills -- they make a din
In laughing unison -- you're hitchcock carrion
In laughing unison -- you're hitchcock carrion
Carry on
Painted bird -- it's absurd
Just a tainted bird -- hurting their twisted nerve
Painted bird -- it's absurd
Just a tainted bird -- hurting their twisted nerve
I hear your sorrow -- maybe tomorrow
You'll lose your sorrow
When a fated weather will cleanse away
That painted feather -- and all that sorrow, sorrow, sorrow
A coquette in fur purr for the painted bird
Confound that dowdy flock -- with a sharp-honed nerve
Because we're painted birds by our own design
By our own design
And there's no more sorrow
Have you heard -- about the painted bird
Just a tainted bird -- hurting their twisted nerve
We've lost our sorrow -- now it's tomorrow
No need to hide your feather until a fated weather
No more sorrow, sorrow, we've lost our sorrow
Now we're painted birds -- mocking that twisted nerve
It's absurd...