
Fuck the USA

Mr Bungle 2020, cover The Exploited

There really is nothing nice about USA
You go to the hospital you have to pay
The dollar is the language that they all speak
They don't really bother about the radiation leak
Fuck the USA
They keep their secrets undercover
The rich don't bother about those that suffer
This ain't the land of milk and honey
Cause all they want is money money money
Fuck the USA
Nuclear bombs are fuck all new
You'd better start running when they drop on you
Run into a shelter, play hide and seek
Cause when you die


Opinión de mierda

Que no pase un día sin que des tu opinión de mierda

Que no pase un día sin que cuentes tus miserias

Ni un día sin hacer a alguien de menos

Ni un día sin abrir la caja de los truenos

España necesita conocer tu opinión de mierda

La gente necesita que le des tu opinión de mierda

Un montón de temas sueltos e inconexos

Aguardan el veredicto del experto

Todo lo que piensas es importante

Mejor que lo sueltes cuanto antes

Formas parte de ese noventa por ciento

De gente que se cree mejor que el resto

La gente está buscando en Internet tu opinión de mierda

Todo el mundo quiere conocer tu opinión de mierda

Estás en tu derecho de brindarnos una mierda de opinión


Kurt Vonnegut, discurso

Una de las cosas que solía cuestionar el tío Alex acerca de los seres humanos es que muy rara vez notan cuando están felices. Se dedicaba especialmente a detectar cuando él mismo lo estaba. Podíamos estar tomando limonada a la sombra de un manzano en verano y el tío Alex interrumpía la conversación para señalar: “Si esto no es lindo, ¿qué lo es?”

Así que espero que hagas lo mismo por el resto de tu vida. Cuando las cosas vayan bien, detente un momento y luego di en voz alta: “Si esto no es lindo, ¿qué lo es?”



Jhon Cale ....Mercenaries (Ready For War)

Mercenaries are usless, disunited, unfaithful
They have nothing more to keep them in a battle
Other than a meager wage
Which is just about enough to make them wanna kill for you
But never enough to make them wanna die for ya

I’m just another soldier boy
I’m just another soldier boy
Looking for work
Looking for work
Looking for work

My rifle is my friend
My rifle is my friend
I clean my rifle everyday
I clean my rifle everyday

That’s why my rifle is my friend

Ready for war, ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war

Did some work in Zaire, the jolly old Belgian Congo
Went back to Geneva to get paid
Back there in Geneva, that’s were the money grows
That’s were the money grows, that’s were the money flows

They didn’t wanna pay me
They didn’t wanna pay me, but they did
Try to separate me from my money
is try to separate me from my life

Ready for war, ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war

Let’s go to Moscow, let’s go to Moscow
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go to Moscow
Fight a backdoor to the Kremlin
Push it down and walk on in

5000 feet and closing
Target visibility one nine
4000 feet and closing
Target visibility two six
3000 feet and closing
Target visibility seven nine
2000 feet and closing
Visibility one ten
1000 feet and closing
Visibility seven four
500 feet and closing
Target visibility zero!

Ready for war, ready for war
You better be ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war
Are you ready for war
Ready for war, ready for war"